©2025 Michelle Rego

Saint Mary, Our Lady of Grace

Wedding Liturgy Planning Worksheet

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A link with your form will be sent to both email addresses entered below

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Age 5 or Older

Age 5 or Older


READERS (Enter names)

Pew Bows Yes      No

Wedding Mass Planning Worksheet

- Form 1 -

- Form 2 -

- Form 3 -

To save progress at any time, scroll to the bottom and click "SAVE DRAFT"
A link with your form will be sent to both email addresses entered below

Prelude (select up to four, or leave blank)

Drag to Change Order

Processional (two required)

Drag to Change Order

Opening Prayer (A 1-4) A-


Liturgy of the Word

Old Testament Reading (B 1-9) B-

First Reading (B 1-6, 8 or D 11)

Responsorial Psalm (C 1-7) C-

New Testament ReadingSecond Reading (optional) (D 1-13) D-

Gospel Acclamation (select one)

Gospel (F 1-10) F-


The Celebration of Matrimony

Exchange of Consent/Wedding Vows (H 1-4) H-

Exchange of Consent/Wedding Vows (H 5-8) H-

Exchange of Consent/Wedding Vows (H 9-12) H-

Reception of the Consent (H 13-14) H-

Blessing and Giving of Rings (I 1-5) I-

Blessing and Giving of ARRAS (when culturally appropriate) Yes      No

Universal Prayer (J 1-2) J-

The Lord's Prayer (recited at weddings)

Blessings and Placing of the LAZO or VEIL (when culturally appropriate) Yes      No

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Presentation of the Gifts (select one)

Prayer over the Offerings (K 1-3) K-

Preface (L 1-3) L-

The Lord's Prayer (recited at weddings)

Blessings and Placing of the LAZO or VEIL (when culturally appropriate) Yes      No

Nuptial Blessing (M 5)

Nuptial Blessing (M 1-3) M-  Sign of Peace

Communion (select one, or two for more than 100 guests)

Drag to Change Order

Prayer after Communion (N 1-3) N-

Concluding Rite

Solemn Blessing (O 1-3) O-

Recessional and Postlude (select one)